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Desserts recipes

Chocolate diplomatic

Diplomatica al cioccolato

Ingredients for 6 servings:
For the diplomatica:
500 gr sponge cake
220 gr milk chocolate
180 gr dark chocolate
240 gr sugar
300 ml fresh cream
100 ml Rum
2 eggs
2 yolks
4 sheets of gelatin
For the decoration:
Icing sugar
Milk chocolate

Ready in: about 25 minutes

How to prepare the recipe: "Chocolate diplomatic":
Into two different bowls melt “a bagnomaria” (bain-marie) the milk chocolate and the dark chocolate. In another bowl beat the eggs and the yolks with the sugar until you obtain a shiny and frothy mixture. Let soften the gelatin into cold water. Remove after some minutes, wring it and divide it between the two chocolates previously melted. Add to both the eggs mixture and the cream previously whipped; stir the two creams gently.

Take the sponge cake and get strips long and rectangular; wet them with the Rum and a little water. Spread some milk chocolate cream onto one strip, cover with another strip and then spread some dark chocolate cream; finish with a layer of sponge cake.

Let them rest in the fridge for 2 hours at least. Before serving, cut the strips into square tidbits. Decorate with icing sugar and curls of milk chocolate.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: medium

Chef's advice
If you don’t want to use the liqueur, wet the sponge cake with some milk. With this method the little doplomatiche will be suitable for children.
I suggest to serve this sweet with Rum Anejo.
Chocolate diplomatic

In the picture, Chocolate diplomatic

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