Pistachios and carrots cake with white chocolate glaze
Torta di pistacchi e carote glassata al cioccolato bianco
Ingredients for 8-9 servings: For the cake:
300 gr peeled carrots
150 gr sugar
150 gr unsalted pistachios
40 gr white flour
4 eggs
1 tsp of baking powder
1 organic lemon
For the glaze:
100 gr white chocolate
20 gr butter
1 tbsp of limoncello
1 organic lemon
Ready in: about 75 minutes
How to prepare the recipe: "Pistachios and carrots cake with white chocolate glaze":
Peel the pistachios, mince with the mixer together with the sugar and the lemon zest and pour in a bowl. Cut the carrots into rounds and whisk with the mixer together with the eggs and a pinch of salt.
Combine the 2 mixtures and add the sieved flour and baking powder. Pour in 22 cm diameter mold and bake at 160 °C for 10 minutes, then increase the temperature at 180 °C and bake for 35 minutes more.
In the meantime melt the chocolate a bagnomaria (bain-marie) together with the butter and perfume with the grated lemon zest; once the cake has been removed from the mold and cooled, add the limoncello to the cream and spread on the cake surface immediately. Let it harden in the fridge and serve decorating as you desire.
Chef's advice
You can make an “analcoholic” glaze, using an half lemon juice instead of the liqueur and proceeding following the recipe. If you prefer, you can pour the dough into single-portion mold and glaze them one by one.
I suggest to match this cake with Albana di Romagna Spumante Dolce.
In the picture, Pistachios and carrots cake with white chocolate glaze
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